Monday, 12 August 2013

Day 11 - Rest Day

Not much to do today other than prepare for summit day tomorrow. This means eating, resting and preparing our gear. In addition this is a chance for Gus and I to get better but there is not much change to my knees and my cut seems to be getting worse again.

We do a quick rope, gear and technical check after lunch - to make sure that we are going to approach the technical challenges of the the ascent in a consistent and complementary manner. Even for this we need to head for cover on a couple of occasions when heavy rain comes as we don't want to start our summit bid with cold, wet and heavy gear (especially the rope) and there is little chance of anything drying this afternoon.

As we expected it has rained on and off all afternoon and at 4,250 mtrs this makes things pretty chilly so we spend the afternoon and evening in our sleeping bags. Quite handily I get to sleep pretty promptly after our 6pm supper; again in bed as it is pouring as usual.

Sausage stew, rice and snails / kidneys (we can't tell from the taste and our guides don't know the English word)

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