Saturday, 14 December 2013

Day 13 - Base Camp

We have a fairly lazy morning but things speed up from about 10am when we have breakfast and start packing. Things need to move quite quickly then but not all in the group are used to that or in the right condition so some of us end up doing a lot of the work to strike camp - others less so.

After that we head down the strep slope back to the valley below and then via Low Camp (to pick up what we have left there) and then on to base camp. There is some good weather on the way but mainly quite a bit of cloud.

Descending the steep slope to the lower valley

Trudge along the valley

Finally down the slope to VBC

When we get back to BC we find that the recent weather has melted the snow and ice under our tent leaving a variety of bumps and steps - the tents act as heat magnets and traps which is a common problem for any non-temporary camp in Antarctica.

and so have to move it to create a vaguely flat platform to sleep on. Having done that Gus and I have some of the whisky that I have brought out that goes down a treat - especially when drunk with Antarctic ice!!

After that we have our celebratory dinner in the mess tent which runs on for a while!

Celebration dinner.

Toasting our success with some bubbles.


Pancakes and oatmeal
Chicken and roasted vegetables

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