Thursday, 6 June 2013

Day 9 - Move to ABC (4,330 mtrs)

Up at a leisurely hour (7:30 am) and a leisurely preparation for our move up to Advance Base Camp, finally setting off at about 11:30!

There is fine weather again so our concern is sun burn rather than getting too cold. This is not my strong suit and rather predictably I do burn - will have to wait to see how bad it is.

The walk seems tougher than the move - we are carrying a bit more but not that much more but we seem to go significantly slower. Still this means that there is plenty of time to enjoy the view.

We get into camp at about 17:30 and I need to go for a brisk walk. The pace is just far too slow for me and my body never really gets going. My muscles are full of lactic acid and I walk for about 5 mins to really get the blog flowing to flush my system out - I do get a number if puzzled stares from others in the camp but I feel so much better after.
After that, relaxing in the tents and enjoying the views until dinner.

As we get higher up the mountain we are increasingly exposed to the weather (especially the wind) and so the protective snow walls are a key part of the camp. The next few days are acclimatising so should be pretty relaxing. We get our first real taste of the cold when the sun goes behind the mountain and within a matter of minutes the temperature plummets. We huddle in the mess tent for supper before bed.

Given the cold it is vital to keep some key things warm. So each night I pack my sleeping bag with all my electricals and batteries, socks, gloves, water bottles and inner boots. This is much the same as at the pole and it will take a night or two of getting used to again. Also expedition sleeping bags rather than polar bags are more of a mummy shape so there is much less room for all that paraphernalia. Still, no matter  how annoying at night, it is nothing to what would happen if any of them happen to be frozen just before an early start - they could potentially mean that you could not set off for the summit!

Pancakes (the thick US ones) and sausages.
Enchiladas (I think). Doritos with rice, beans and cheese.

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